
Introduction to AAA Server
Product Structure
Chapter 1 9
AAA Server Manager Program
The AAA Server Manager utilizes the HP-UX Tomcat-based Serverlet
Engine to provide a configuration interface between a web browser and
one or more AAA servers. Server Manager is used for starting, stopping,
configuring, and modifying the servers. In addition, the program can
retrieve logged server sessions and accounting information for an
Accessing the Server Manager
The Server Manager provides access to the AAA server management
functions and configuration files. From a remote client workstation,
administrators can access the AAA Server Manager interface through a
Web browser. An administrator can create a AAA configuration for
authenticating users and implementing authorization policies. In
addition to creating, modifying, and deleting entries in many of the
server’s configuration files, an administrator may start and stop the AAA
server, access the server’s status and system time, retrieve information
from accounting and session logs, and terminate sessions. You can access
the functions that perform these operations by selecting an item from the
Navigation Tree located in the left frame of the HTML page.
NOTE Some advanced features of the HP-UX AAA Server cannot be configured
through the Server Manager interface. For example, if you want to define
policy or vendor-specific attributes, you must manually edit the
configuration files. Refer to the HP-UX AAA Server Administration and
Authentication Guide for more information.