Network Adapters
Network AdaptersNetwork Adapters
Network Adapters
TruCluster Server supports for client networks any Ethernet, FDDI, ATM (LAN emulation mode only), or Gigabit Ethernet
adapters that are supported by the version of Tru64 UNIX on which it is running.
Hardware Restrictions
Hardware RestrictionsHardware Restrictions
Hardware Restrictions
TruCluster Server has the following hardware restrictions. The TruCluster Server Cluster
Hardware Configuration
provides additional information regarding hardware restrictions.
Prestoserve NVRAM failover is not supported on shared disk devices.
TruCluster Server supports up to eight member cluster configurations as follows:
Switched Fibre Channel
Switched Fibre ChannelSwitched Fibre Channel
Switched Fibre Channel
: Eight-member systems may be connected to common storage over Fibre Channel in a
fabric (switch) configuration.
Parallel SCSI
Parallel SCSIParallel SCSI
Parallel SCSI
: Only four of the member systems may be connected to any one SCSI bus. Multiple SCSI buses may
be connected to different sets of members and the sets of members may overlap. Use of a DS-DWZZH-05 UltraSCSI
hub with fair arbitration enabled is recommended when connecting four member systems to a common SCSI bus.
Hardware Configuration
Hardware ConfigurationHardware Configuration
Hardware Configuration
The TruCluster Server
Hardware Configuration
manual provides hardware configuration examples.
Hardware Configuration
Hardware ConfigurationHardware Configuration
Hardware Configuration
The TruCluster Server
is updated and corrected periodically to reflect new hardware options and platforms
support. Please check online for the latest revision. Go to
and select either "Worldwide QuickSpecs" or "U.S. QuickSpecs" and then navigate through "High Availability and
Clustering" to "Tru64 UNIX Clustering".
© Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. UNIX and X/Open are trademarks of The Open Group in the U.S.
and/or other countries. Informix and Informix Extended Parallel Server are trademarks of Informix Software, Inc. NetWorker and Prestoserve are trademarks of
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The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein
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HP TruCluster Server V5.1B-1
HP TruCluster Server V5.1B-1HP TruCluster Server V5.1B-1
HP TruCluster Server V5.1B-1
Hardware Requirements
DA - 11444 Worldwide — Version 4 — December 8, 2003
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