Cluster Storage I/O
Cluster Storage I/OCluster Storage I/O
Cluster Storage I/O
TruCluster Server provides two levels of protection in the event of storage interconnect failure. When configured with
redundant storage adapters, the storage interconnect will be highly available. Should one interconnect fail, traffic will
transparently fail over to the surviving adapter. When a member system is connected to shared storage with a single storage
interconnect and it fails, transactions are transparently performed via the cluster interconnect to another cluster member
with a working storage interconnect.
Cluster Client Network
Cluster Client NetworkCluster Client Network
Cluster Client Network
TruCluster Server supports highly available client network interfaces via the Tru64 UNIX redundant array of independent
network adapters (NetRAIN) feature.
Cluster Interconnect
Cluster InterconnectCluster Interconnect
Cluster Interconnect
TruCluster Server allows the elimination of the cluster interconnect as a single point of failure by supporting redundant
cluster interconnect hardware. You can configure dual-rail Memory Channel, allowing the cluster to survive the failure of a
single rail. For LAN interconnect, two or more network adapters on each member are configured as a NetRAIN virtual
interface. When properly configured across two or more switches, the cluster will survive any LAN component failure. This
not only guards against rare network hardware failures, but also facilitates the upgrade and maintenance of the network
without disrupting the cluster.
Support for Parallelized
Support for ParallelizedSupport for Parallelized
Support for Parallelized
Database Applications
Database ApplicationsDatabase Applications
Database Applications
TruCluster Server provides the software infrastructure to support parallelized database applications, such as Oracle 9i Real
Application Clusters (RAC) and Informix Extended Parallel Server (XPS) to achieve high performance and high availability.
9i RAC and XPS are offered and supported separately by Oracle Corporation and Informix Software, Inc., respectively.
Distributed Lock Manager
Distributed Lock ManagerDistributed Lock Manager
Distributed Lock Manager
The distributed lock manager (DLM) synchronizes access to resources that are shared among cooperating processes
throughout the cluster. DLM provides a software library with an expansive set of lock modes that applications use to
implement complex resource-sharing policies. DLM provides services to notify a process owning a resource that it is
blocking another process requesting the resource. An application can also use DLM routines to efficiently coordinate the
application's activities within the cluster.
HP TruCluster Server V5.1B-1
HP TruCluster Server V5.1B-1HP TruCluster Server V5.1B-1
HP TruCluster Server V5.1B-1
Features - TruCluster Server V5.1B-1
DA - 11444 Worldwide — Version 4 — December 8, 2003
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