Filtering/QoS Information
GR2K-GA-0014 1-145
Ver. 07-02
To specify the minimum bandwidth of plural queues and a
range of queues: -queue 1, 3, and 50 to 53 (Specifies queue
bandwidth exceeds the line speed, the bandwidth is allocated
sequentially to the guarantee with smaller queue No. within
the range of line speed.
Default: 0
Range of value: 0-6144
This parameter sets the maximum transmission band when securing the fixed
band for each queue and transmitting packets. The maximum transmission band
is set only when the queue mode is -bandwidth_traffic. The maximum
transmission band is invalid even if it is set when the queue mode is -priority,
-round_robin, -bandwidth, -equal_bandwidth, or -bandwidth_kbps. Table 1-71
(traffic designation). Table 1-73: List of the parameters when GR2000-1B and
GR2000-2B band designation (traffic designation) is made. This table shows the
list of parameters when band control (traffic designation) is designated in
GR2000-1B and GR2000-2B.
This parameter sets the assignment ratio of the excess band to be distributed
according to the ratio in which the minimum guarantee band, maximum
transmission band, and excess band are set for each queue when packets are
transmitted for each queue between the minimum guarantee band and
maximum transmission band. The assignment ratio is set only when the queue
mode is bandwidth_traffic. The assignment ratio is invalid even if it is set when
the queue mode is priority, round_robin, bandwidth, equal_bandwidth, or
bandwidth_kbps. Table 1-71 shows the parameters when the queue mode is
designated in the band control (traffic designation). Table 1-73: List of the
parameters when GR2000-1B and GR2000-2B band designation (traffic
designation) is made. This table shows the list of parameters when band control
(traffic designation) is designated in GR2000-1B and GR2000-2B.