Configuration Error Messages
GR2K-GA-0014 5-57
Ver. 07-02
multicast: invalid inet mask bits value at
<Masklen> not in range 4 to 32
The specified mask length in multicast definition is invalid. Specify
within the range of 4 to 32.
<Masklen>: Specified mask length.
multicast: mask length out of range from 4 to
The specified mask pattern in multicast definition is invalid.
Specify mask pattern with length of 4 to 32.
multicast: mask not contiguous The specified mask in multicast definition is not contiguous with bit 1.
Specify the mask that bit 1 is contiguous.
multicast: Non-masked bits not zero for
<Group address> / <Masklen>
1 is set to non-masked bits of address for masklen specification in
multicast definition. Specify 0 to non-masked bits.
<Group address>: Specified multicast group address.
<Masklen>: Specified mask length.
multicast: Non-masked bits not zero for
<Group address> mask <Mask>
1 is set to non-masked bits of address for mask specification in
multicast definition. Specify 0 to non-masked bits.
<Group address>: Specified multicast group address.
<Mask>: Specified mask.
multicast: Non-masked bits not zero for
<Group address> masklen <Masklen>
1 is set to non-masked bits of address for masklen specification in
multicast definition. Specify 0 to non-masked bits.
<Group address>: Specified multicast group address.
<Masklen>: Specified mask length.
multicast: octet or hex string too long to be an
IP address
The specified IP address format is invalid.
Specify in the correct dot format.
multicast:ssm-join is not supported in
The "ssm-join" command is defined when using DVMRP, IGMP and
multicast:The combination total of GROUP
and SOURCE exceeded the maximum
The sum total of groups and sources defined by "ssm-join" exceeds
the allowable limit. Set the sum total of groups and sources to a
maximum of 256.
multicast:join and staticjoin are not supported
"join" and "staticjoin" are not supported with PIM-SM.
multicast: the parameter must be a group
address (class D)
The group address specified in multicast definition is invalid.
Specify the group address by IP address of class D.
multicast: this address is not supported
<Group address>
The specified group address in multicast definition is not supported.
Specify the group address by IP address of class D.
<Group address>: Specified multicast group address.
multicast:this source address is not supported
<Source address>
The range for specifying local addresses specified by "ssm-join" is
invalid. Specify IP addresses of classes A - C.
<Source address>: local address specified by the "ssm-join"
PIM and DVMRP can not be set up
The PIM and the DVMRP cannot be set simultaneously. Define only
either one of the PIM information (pim) or the DVMRP information
(igmp, dvmrp, dvmrptunnel).
PIM-SM and multicast can not be set up
PIM-SM does not support multicast settings.
pim: can not check configuration, please try
The configuration definition cannot be checked because actuation of
the multicast routing program has not been completed. Try it again
after some time.
pim: can not set candidate-bsr on this router
which is not configured to router
Unless the device address is defined, there is no setting BSR
candidates. First set the device address.
pim: can not set candidate-rp on this router
which is not configured to router
Unless the device address is defined, there is no setting rendezvous
point candidates. First set the device address.
Table 5-6 Multicast Router Control Information Error Messages (continued)