Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 123 of 372
P51/WKP1 pin
Register PMR5 PCR5
Bit Name WKP1 PCR51 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 0 P51 input pin
0 1 P51 output pin
1XWKP1 input pin
Legend X: Don't care.
P50/WKP0 pin
Register PMR5 PCR5
Bit Name WKP0 PCR50 Pin Function
Setting Value 0 0 P50 input pin
0 1 P50 output pin
1XWKP0 input pin
Legend X: Don't care.
9.4 Port 7
Port 7 is a general I/O port also functioning as a Timer V I/O pin. Each pin of the port 7 is shown
in figure 9-4. The register setting of TCSRV in timer V has priority for functions of pin
P76/TMOV. The pins, P75/TMCIV and P74/TMRIV, are also functioning as timer V input ports
that are connected to the timer V regardless of the register setting of port 7.
Port 7
Figure 9-4 Port 7 Pin Configuration
Port 7 has the following registers. For details on register addresses and register states during each
process, refer to section 19, Internal I/O Registers.
Port control register 7(PCR7)
Port data register 7(PDR7)