Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 221 of 372
Section 15 I
C Bus Interface 2 (IIC2)
The I
C bus interface conforms to and provides a subset of the Philips I
C bus (inter-IC bus)
interface functions. The register configuration that controls the I
C bus differs partly from the
Philips configuration, however.
Figure 15-1 shows a block diagram of the I
C bus interface 2.
Figure 15-2 shows an example of I/O pin connections to external circuits.
15.1 Features
Selection of I
C format or clocked synchronous serial format
Continuous transmission/reception
Since the shift register, transmit data register, and receive data register are independent from
each other, the continuous transmission/reception can be performed.
C bus format
Start and stop conditions generated automatically in master mode
Selection of acknowledge output levels when receiving
Automatic loading of acknowledge bit when transmitting
Bit synchronization/wait function
In master mode, the state of SCL is monitored per bit, and the timing is synchronized
If transmission/reception is not yet possible, set the SCL to low until preparations are
Six interrupt sources
Transmit data empty (including slave-address match), transmit end, receive data full (including
slave-address match), arbitration lost, NACK detection, and stop condition detection
Direct bus drive
Two pins, SCL and SDA pins, function as NMOS open-drain outputs when the bus drive
function is selected.
Clocked synchronous format
Four interrupt sources
Transmit-data-empty, transmit-end, receive-data-full, and overrun error