
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4.2.54 Control gain switching function (CAS)
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The control gain switching function allows you to set and switch
between two types of gains and time constants for the speed
control system (with proportional and integral compensations)
when the V/F characteristic curve selection is the sensorless
vector control, 0Hz-range sensorless vector control, or vector
control with sensor.
To use this function, assign function "26" (CAS: control gain
setting) to one of the terminal [1] to [8] functions (C001 to C008).
A044/A244: V/F characteristic curve selection, 1st/2nd
C001 to C008: Terminal [1] to [8] functions
H005/H205: Motor speed constant, 1st/2nd motors
H050/H250: PI proportional gain, 1st/2nd motors
H051/H251: PI integral gain, 1st/2nd motors
H052/H252: P proportional gain setting, 1st/2nd motors
H070: Terminal selection PI proportional gain setting
H071: Terminal selection PI integral gain setting
H072: Terminal selection P proportional gain setting
Related code
When the CAS terminal is turned off, the gain settings "H050", "H250", "H051", "H251", "H052", and
"H252" are selected. When the CAS terminal is turned on, the gain settings "H070", "H071", and "H072"
are selected.
If function "26" (CAS: control gain setting) is not assigned to any intelligent input terminal, the same gain
settings as those selected when the CAS terminal is off are selected.
Item Function code Data or range of data Description
03 Sensorless vector control
0Hz-range sensorless vector
V/F characteristic curve selection A044/A244
05 V2 (not available for "A244")
Terminal function C001 to C008 26 CAS: Control gain setting
Motor speed constant, 1st/2nd
0.001 to 9.999, 10.00
to 80.00
PI proportional gain H050/H250 0.0 to 999.9, 1000 (%)
PI integral gain H051/H251 0.0 to 999.9, 1000 (%)
P proportional gain H052/H252 0.01 to 10.00
Terminal selection PI proportional
gain setting
H070 0.0 to 999.9, 1000 (%)
Terminal selection PI integral gain
H071 0.0 to 999.9, 1000 (%)
Terminal selection P proportional
gain setting
H072 0.00 to 10.00
Gain switching time H073 0. to 9999. (ms) Taper time at gain switching
4.2.55 P/PI switching function (PPI)
The P/PI switching function allows you to switch the control
(compensation) mode of the speed control system between the
proportional integrated compensation and proportional
compensation modes when the V/F characteristic curve selection
is the sensorless vector control, 0Hz-range sensorless vector
control, or vector control with sensor.
A044/A244: V/F characteristic curve selection, 1st/2nd
C001 to C008: Terminal [1] to [8] functions
H005/H205: Motor speed constant, 1st/2nd motors
H050/H250: PI proportional gain, 1st/2nd motors
H051/H251: PI integral gain, 1st/2nd motors
H052/H252: P proportional gain setting, 1st/2nd motors
Related code
To use this function, assign function "43" (PPI: P/PI mode
selection) to one of the terminal [1] to [8] functions (C001 to C008).
When the PPI terminal is turned off, the proportional integrated compensation mode is selected. When the
PPI terminal is turned on, the proportional compensation mode is selected.
If function "43" (PPI: P/PI mode selection) is not assigned to any intelligent input terminal, the proportional
integrated compensation mode is selected.
Item Function code Data or range of data Description
V/F characteristic curve
selection, 1st/2nd/3rd motors
Sensorless vector control (not available
for "A344")
0Hz-range sensorless vector control (not
available for "A344")
V2 (not available for "A244" and "A344")
Terminal function C001 to C008 43 PPI: P/PI mode selection
Motor speed constant, 1st/2nd
H005/H205 0.001 to 80.000
PI proportional gain H050/H250 0.0 to 999.9, 1000 (%)
PI integral gain H051/H251 0.0 to 999.9, 1000 (%)
P proportional gain H052/H252 0.001 to 10.00
Terminal selection PI
proportional gain setting
H070 0.0 to 999.9, 1000 (%)