Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
(2) Start/end frequency settings for the O2-L terminal
Item Function code Range of data Description Remarks
02 start frequency A111 -400. to 400.(Hz) Setting of the start frequency
02 end frequency A112 -400. to 400.(Hz) Setting of the end frequency
02 start-frequency
A113 -100. to 100.(%)
Setting of the rate of the start frequency
to the external frequency command (-10
to +10 V) (*1)
02 end-frequency
A114 -100. to 100.(%)
Setting of the rate of the end frequency
to the external frequency command (-10
to +10 V) (*1)
(Example 3)
(Example 3)
Maximum frequency for
forward operation
Analog input
Maximum frequency for
reverse operation
*1 The frequency rates correspond to the voltages
(-10 to +10 V) of the external frequency command
as follows:
-10 to 0 V: -100% to 0%
0 to +10 V: 0% to 100%
For example, if the voltage of the signal to be input to
the O2-L terminal is -5 to +5 V, specify 50% for "A114".
4.2.15 External analog input (O/OI/O2) filter setting
4 - 15
A016: External frequency filter time
Related code
The external analog input filter setting function allows you to set the
input-voltage/input-current sampling time to be applied when frequency
commands are input as external analog signals.
You can use this filter function effectively for removing noise from the frequency-setting circuit signal.
If the noise disables the stable operation of the inverter, increase the setting. Setting a larger value makes
the inverter response slower. The filtering constant is "set value (1 to 30) x 2 ms."
When the setting is "31" (factory setting), a hysteresis of ±0.1 Hz is added to the filtering constant (500
Item Function code Range of data Description
External frequency filter
time const.
A016 1. to 30. or 31.
Setting of 1. to 30.: "Set value x 2" ms filter
Setting of 31.: 500 ms filter (fixed) with hysteresis
of ±0.1 Hz
4.2.16 V/f gain setting
A045: V/f gain setting
A082: AVR voltage select
Related code
The V/f gain setting function allows you to change the inverter output
voltage by specifying the rate of the output voltage to the voltage (100%)
selected with the AVR voltage select function (A082).
If the motor operation is cranky, try to increase the gain setting.
Item Function code Range of data Description
V/f gain setting A045 20. to 100. (%) Setting of the rate of reducing the output voltage
AVR voltage