A/V DUB B_tkm
REW Button
DISPLAY t3_41o _
i .FWD Butbm
PLAY gl_tm_
STOP Burro _
[r_<@i a /xe_,ious] _ecor<ec[ _p_ L_ [_,e cam-
cordq, r,
but< ns t_ f *_dt _e [9ac_ wh ;,_ yot q l_t t/q)p
RES] 7' b ttto_ [o set the Hi:lear tins co_mte t:o
"O:O0:OO?vl ",
Use the RbIW and NA% b_ _tov,s o firm v,/!_ H_,
ym wi_h to sia_:t dub_£%_
]"ace _hr, ( AM/O[_iVIDKO s_,,btd_ to CAM
position_ [he _e<xrd pause ndc;{o_ "@ii_'"
apg_ ars and the camcor let [s tea:i) {o re{ o_'d.
Uause rood, "@H" disappears rep]ac;d by
'AiV D[j}_, j-
The audioA ideo d::_bNng starts. When the tim
ea_ thnc co%llMer 3'e_c[/{s %}:00;00M" t]qe ca/r/-
corder stop:_ a_to!?tatk:al]_v, recoyd_n 8 o J}" he
pot io _o d_e ta}3e dtat you se]ected
Note: i he 08_co der s in AV DUB oot.se or
STILL"-,ode fo_ m<xe t}<]- b _ i ;t:i:.s, /se c<]n-
OOK_eF stops Q Ii<)_".If (1 l}yto [i?¢o_ec_ IQ)e
Note: When te Gu<liO!VL;eo duv>bed podon [s
Pl'wed bGck x';_se troy <_pp:_,or a', 1be end o_
thed :)b dp<xtion
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