
General Maintenance
Cleaning the Camcorder Heads .............,,_,_,__.......... ............
Dirt ca'n i:cc:ln:tllafe oll the video J-loads or: the
camcorder causing II"_eplayback pictu: e to become
blurred or appear as Jr: video inf,_rmation is lost.
?his often mea_s that the video heads are diry,
Use a _ideo head ciea :er such as a dry type head
dearl{ng ta[,e __ clean tl*_et_ead£
tf af,%r c]ennJng the beads the pictHre toes n{t ck_>:t-
up consult >'ore :_earest deak'r or VCR s_,rvice
center for [:,rof_ ssional head cleaning
Cleaning the Lens and Picture Tube of the Electronic
77?00r?SOf ft _?6*ec ro [C v÷'wfi?_Jef CON )e : _:e_-c eonecJ .,'fdcsfi di;t, '?'_,-'_ _ -_:-_
_i_,,. ,o, .,_r; rr?o1?er adheres
to 11
Referencc Ma@
Eve+cap . 2?1>ult out
: )'lurn
1 Turn th? eye cup c(u::te:- 2 Clea::th( pk:turetL:beGce 3 \:{igtltI:ereference mark
clockwise unli{ it siopb and funs. [o j,:'evont on ey:-'cup vitb th_ top
th(n p::]]_1out V,}remove, scrat(::hln:, t:s? so[ non ed_;c of nokh, :rod _;us[:
aknashe do[hi sv,ab or the aye c::pdh<ectb)q thel:
lens dua:?h:g paper tc:r::the _'}e:%? c]ockwTse
{0 s?c_:re:t