#eros SeJectabJe with Menu DispJays,.
The items th_t con be selecfed depend on the poi'_fion of pov..'er s W;_ch
Note: The Vb,-H768A n_nJ d spiqys cl_e _sed f_r fi" _cfo 'o_,. n9 exp ano oy Son'<' reps do not appea.
depe,qd]ng on lise mode.
@ Menu seiectable in the CAM mode
When t_' MP'_U button is p_essed th,_ £fl or.,,i _g m*'nu di_._ ]_< ?d_l a p<_,_ar'.
To co,'red camc,_'aJmRe (p-!@
/- To recordJ_opdmum s_a[_.,s
VM@563LA), ire BAL AUTO (p25)(only forVM-H765LAi
]o ZO0_4 X O0 VM-H6651A}
+ oF_- ]
1 .... O ] S P LAY led ........................ n ['o R_m he on-scree_ d s{_lav
OE_!0. AUTO --_. on o_ off (p24),
<[V_ NU> E1\_D @[ ] _]'%" '] } SdOCl 117t'do [ytO!'lt}IDa}k)12
i rood{ (p24]
{p25) (only to< VM°HT05LA/ <....................................................
@Menu selectable in the VIDEO mode
l'_essing the b'ITNU button wili display @_ekolio_ rag:
] ,, Nu ]
[oenln'e-oavb_ck £ ..............-"'_ ]
PAL CO V OFF .................T-- I'0,kW [_pe pla}'bad_,by
_taNe p_ctm es (p 55). O! SPLAY LCD "-.. ] <onnec[Jt}g the c ul_cordcJ-
""" I toa PAl 'IV
--,.]...I ]o tm'n 1be on-s_ teen disIJ_ y
I onor o£(p24),
........................................................................ J
@ How to select items and set them
2 Press [h{ PLAY or S'['OP [)utto] [o {ebd the
{ te _/ll-_t_ l[em.
{2S_the[:}1OrR£W _13.11CIi10S(lectthe desh'ed
Press tbo .'VI£NU b_ito'n af_z@nk) deterr_dne fbe
r .......... To se]e<t an i_em whose
I !71od{}ou W s l _o c 2amge
Pt'e,m PlAY 1o move [he
CLI[SOl_ <i]A
ro _eJect th( ood_ o_ the
{fe_lq }'Ot_}]Sr(:C}_(}S_t[<
Io se]e,.:t an item whose
mode yo_; ;_ ]s]l to chan_e.
P'e'_s STOP to P,w,vc _}_<,
VM-H765LA/VM-H865LA/VM-E565LA/VM-E563LAiVM*E465LA E23