
Using the Etecffonic image Sfablizer
(for VM-H7 65LAiVM-H665LA/VM-E565 /VM-E563LA)
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W]ile y)u zoom to a d sta_t subject
W',lfie o_._<p'[,ro,_ _ 4 sinai] s_bjec:.
W[fievo_ w;[kaoun(L
W iie,,'oumcord{_),_ins[deamo, it_g ehcl_.
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No}÷: E]S n'_*,';,_ct fi/ ciot if yo s,:, o ,,,'d_ _o
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w!_c} case 1Ive p[c,_m v/o_ lid be !-_r_®d
No_'es fo_ VM4x1665LA,fVM £565_/VM,o_563LA
W-;en th÷ EiS :uncton s ÷ngaged in he
vie xi y of ire zoo;_ 'q_YTe i,/h ZOOM' ds-
>a_÷d n _e viewfinder o_ or the {CD
qon tot, _,]en P,;oved from t,÷ vvde-o tlP;
end, t]÷ inag® si;'e ;d! c_ r._nge b;i li,_ k;
* \/i]e] the [iS n'_ctio_ i¢ e_ g,Jged, he pk:
'ire becomes ;ogt
0 vew G$ _ e wide _3],dl el(.! becc es
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