CD100 / CD110 Court Director™ System Operation Manual - V. 1.0 11/30/00 © 2000 - INLINE, Inc.
Command Description
ACIA7 set projector port baud baud rate to 19,200
ACIA8 set projector port baud baud rate to 38,400
BALR increment balance of currently selected input channel
BALL decrement balance of currently selected input channel
BAL@ set audio balance of currently selected channel to center (016)**
BAL? request balance setting of currently selected input channel
BALxxx set balance of currently selected input channel to absolute value (004<= xxx<=031)
BAS+ increase bass of currently selected input channel
BAS- decrease bass of currently selected input channel
BAS@ set bass of currently selected input channel to normal (016)**
BASxxx set bass of currently selected input channel to absolute value (006<=xxx<=027)
BAS? request bass setting of currently selected input channel
CALLx recall current settings from configuration memory (1<=x<=4)
Settings include:
Input channel
Output channel
Volume, mute, treble, bass and balance for all 3 input channels
CH1 select input channel 1
CH2 select input channel 2
CH3 select input channel 3
CH@ select input channel 1**
CH? request current input channel
CDMCD0 set command code [ ]**
CDMCD1 set command code { }
CDMCD2 set command code ( )
CDMCD3 set command code < >
CDMCD4 set command code \ /
CDMCD5 set command code !?
DISPLY0x disable output (0<=x=6, 0 = global)
DISPLY1x enable output (0<=x=6, 0 = global)
FP0 disable front panel operation
FP1 enable front panel operation (enable at every power up)
FP toggle front panel enable
FP? request front panel enable status
INFO send unit version
MUTE0 disable mute of currently selected input channel**
MUTE1 mute currently selected input channel
MUTE? request mute status of currently selected input channel
OVER0 disable judge override**
OVER1 enable judge override
OVER? request judge override status
PCCx send out projector code for projector memory x (1<=x<=4)