Using Your Cooktop
Tips to Protect Your Cooktop
Before first use, clean the cooktop. (See page 6.) _ Do not use foil orfoil-type containers. Foil may melt onto
the glass. If metal melts on the cooktop, do not use. Call
Make sure bottom ofpanis clean before placing on cooktop, an authorized Jenn-Air Servicer.
(Soil from the pan may be transferred to the cooktop
surface.) * Donot allowplastic, sugar orfoods with high sugar content
to melt onto the hot cooktop. Melted materials left on the
Do not use a small pan on a large element. Not only does cooktop can cause permanent damage.
thiswasteenergy, butitcanalsoresultinspilloversburning If you accidentally melt these items on the cooktop,
onto the cooking area which requires extra cleaning, immediately scrape the melted material to a cooler area on
the cooktop using arazor blade scraper held carefully with
Do not use non-fiat specialty -. apotholder. When the element has cooled, scrape off the
items that are oversized or __ remaining soil and clean as indicated on page 6.
uneven such as round bottom
woks, rippled bottom and/or * Make it a practice to wipe the cooktop surface with aclean
oversized canners and griddles, _, _ damp cloth or paper towel before each use. Invisible
etc. _1
over1inch grease spatters, water spots, etc., can cause stains after the
element is heated.
Do not cook foods directly on the cooktop or use the
cooktop as a cutting board. _ Ifa spillover occurs while cooking, clean the spill from the
cooking area while it is hot to prevent a tough cleaning
_,Do not allow a pan to boil dry as this could damage the chore later. Using extreme care, wipe spill with aclean dry
cooktop and the pan. towel.
Do not slide heavy metal or glass pans across the surface Do not allow spills to remain on the cooking area or the
since these may scratch, cooktop trim for a long period of time.
Do not use a trivet, fire ring or metal stand between pans
and the elements.