Before You Call For Service
¢ ¢ 4, 4, • • 4, • ¢ • • • ¢ • ¢ • ¢ • 4' 4' • _t ¢ • ¢ ¢ • • ¢ ¢ ¢ • • • • ¢ 4 _ • •
Check the following list to be sure a service call is really If tiny scratches or abrasions appear on the cooktop:
necessary. ¢' coarse particles (i.e. sugar, dust, salt) were between
cookware bottoms and cooktop.
If nothing on the range operates: ¢ incorrect cleaning materials were used to clean cooktop.
4, check for a blown circuit fuse or a tripped main circuit _' glass cookware was slid across the cooktop.
breaker. _ cookware with a rough bottom was used.
¢ check if cooktop is properly connected to electric circuit
in house. If metal markings appear on cooktop:
metal pans or utensils, especially aluminum, were slid
If cooktup elements do not get hot enough: across the cooktop.
¢ surface controls may not be set properly.
¢ voltage to house may be low. If brown streaks and/or areas of discoloration with a
¢ cookware may not be fiat or the correct size or shape, metallic sheen appear on cooktop:
boilovers burned onto the cooktop.
If elements emit a slight odor and/or smoke when first # mineral deposits from water or food burned onto the
turned on: cooktop.
this is normal. _ soil from the pan bottom was transferred to the cooktop.
incorrect cleaning materials were used.
If You Need Service
callthe dealerfrom whom your appliancewas purchased or the authorized Jenn-Air Service Contractor listed inthe Yellow
Pages. Your Jenn-Air Service Contractor can provide better andfaster serviceif youcan accuratelydescribe problems and
give model and serial numbers of the appliance. Be sure to retain proof of purchase to verify warranty status. Refer to
WARRANTY for furtherinformalJonof owner's responsibilities for warranty service.
¢ if thedealer or service company cannot resolve theproblem, writeto Jenn-Air Customer Assistance, c/o Maytag Customer
Service, P.O. Box 2370, Cleveland, TN 37320-2370, 1-800-688-1100.
use and care manuals, service manuals, and parts catalogs are available from Jenn-Air Customer Assistance, c/o Maytag
Customer Service.
All specifications subjectto change by manufacturerwithout notice.
403We,t FourthStreetNorth
PrintedinU.S.A. PartNo.8111P253-60 Cat.No.BC-CCRU9100UB
_1996 Jenn-Air FormNo.O32CJ 12/96