
Check the forlowing list to be sure a service call is really necessary.
If grill or surface burner fails to light:
checkto be sure unitis properlyconnectedto powersupply,
checkfor a blowncircuitfuse or a trippedmain circuitbreaker.
check to be sure burner ports or ignition ports are not clogged.
check to be sure igniter is clicking. If igniter doesn't click, turn control
knob off and clean iginitor.
check to be sure appliance regulator is set for correct fuel.
check to be sure inlet pressure is adequate.
If the flame is uneven:
burner ports may be clogged.
flame setting may need to be adjusted (see p. 11).
If grill or surface burner flame lifts off the ports:
shutter on the mixer tube needs to be closed untilflame settles on the burner
ports (see pp. 10-11),
If grill or surface burner flame is yellow in color:
shutter on the mixer tube needs to be openeduntil yellow disappears
(see pp. 10-11).