
The built-in ventilation system removes cooking vapors, odors and smoke from foods
prepared on the cooktop, grill and gdll accessories.
Regularuse of this systemwill insure a more comfortable and less humidkitchen which
is free of heavy cooking odors and fumes that normally create a frequent need for
cleaning and redecorating.
To operatethe ventilation system manually, push the switch located in front of the
air grille. Ifyou pushonthe leftsideof theswitch, thefan willoperate atthe Lospeed.
If you push on the right side of the switch, the fan will operate at the Hi speed. To
turn the fan off, the switch should be returned to the middle (level) position.
The ventilation system will operate automatically on Hi when the grill burner is in
use. Duringgrilling, the fan speed isautomatically set for the HisettingAND cannot
be changed toLo speed or manually fumed off.
Use the Hi fan speed for capturing steam. Use Lo fan speed for capturing smoke
when pan frying.
The ventilation system can be used to remove strong odors from the kitchen as
when chopping onions near the air grille.
Air Grille: The air grille lifts off easily. Wipe clean or
_ I_ wash in sinkwith mild h°useh°lddetergenta"Maybes.cleaned in dishwashsr.
Filter; Turn off ventilatJonsystem before removing.
Turn filter retainer clip to remove filter. The filter is a
permanent type and should be cleaned when soiled.
Clean in sink with warm water and liquid dishwashing
detergent or in dishwasher.
_ _ FILTER. FlLTERshould a_waysbe placed at an angle.
. As you face the front of the cooktop, the top of the filter
_= "" should rest against the leftside of the vent opening and
the bottom ofthe filtershould rest against the rightside
of the ventilation chamber at the bottom. If filter is flat
againstthe fanwalk,ventilationeffectiveness is reduced.
Ventilation Chamber: This area, which housesthe filter, should becleaned inthe event
of spills or whenever it becomes coated with a film of grease. The ventilation chamber
may becleanedwith papertowel, dampcloth, or spongeand a mild household detergent
or cleanser.