
Convection Baking Recommendations
As a general rule, when using recipes or prepared mixes developed for a radiant
bake oven, set the oven temperature 25°F lower than the recipe recommended
temperature. Times will be similar to or a few minutes less than recipe recom-
mended times. The chart on page 23 compares times and temperatures of many
baked foods. Use this as a reference.
For better browning, large panssuch as cookie sheets or rectangular baking pans
should be placed lengthwise, front to back, on the rack. This centers the food in
front of the convection fan for better air circulation which gives better overall
Cookiesheets should bewithout sides and madeof shiny aluminum. The best size
to usefor cookiesheetsandjelly rollpansis 151/2x12" (overallsizeincludes handles)
or 14" x 12".
Causes of Cake Failure
Problem Possible Cause
Cake Falls Oven nothotenough
Toomuchor toolittleleavening,liquidor sugar
Peaksin centeror Oventoo hotat start of bakingorover baking
crackson top Pan sizetoo small
Toolittle or too muchflour or leavening
FlatCake Pan too large
Overmixingor undermixing
Toomuchor toolittleliquid
Old ortoo littlebakingpowder
Unevencakes Rangenotlevel
Cake panstooclosetooven wallsoreach other
Sticksto pan Cake cooledin pan too long
Pan not greased and floured
Cracks and falls apart Removed from pan too soon
Too much shortening, leavening or sugar
Excessiveshrinkage Oven too hot or overbaking
from sides of pan Overmixing