Oven Cleaning
How the Self Cleaning Process Works
Whenthe ovencontrols aresetto CLEAN,the oven heatstotemperatures thatare higher
than those used for cooking. The high temperatures cause food soil to burn off and
substantially disappear. While this occurs, a device inthe oven vent helps to consume
normalamounts ofsmoke. The oven is ventedthrough anopening onthe top ofthe range
at the back.
How to Prepare Oven Before Operating the
Self-Cleaning Process.
• Remove the roasting pan and any other utensils from the oven. These utensils
cannot withstand the high temperatures of the cleaning process.
• The oven rackscan becleanedintheoven. However,theoven rackswill discolor,
loseshininess, and become difficult toslide inand out ifleft intheoven during the
WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE. As a suggestion, do not leavethe racks inthe oven
during eachself-cleaning process if theydo not need to be cleanedsince they will
discolor to a dull silver after many cleanings. Moderately soiled racks can be
cleaned with a soapy S.O.S. pad or Scotch-Brite scour-pad. Stubborn stains
need to be removed in the self-cleaning process. Besure to read special tips on
page 36 if oven racks are cleaned during the self-cleaning process.
• Clean spatters and spills from those areas which will not be cleaned during the
self-cleaning process:
center front of oven and door near opening in
door gasket.
porcelain oven door liner (area outside the
door gasket).
- oven front frame.
NOTE: DO NOT CLEAN serial plate located on
the oven front,
To clean these areas, use hot water and detergent, nonabrasive cleansers or
soap filled steel wool pads (rub with the brushed grain on the oven front frame
to prevent scratching). Rinse thoroughly, being careful not to use an excessive
amount ofwater that would dampen the door gasket. Soilleft in these areas will
be moredifficult to remove after theself-cleaning process since thehigh heat will
bakeonanysoilthatispresent. DONOT USECOMMERCIAL OVENCLEANERS