File Name Example Camera.jpg
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting User Define Name of File Naming
Format /api/param?application.ftp.naming_option
Example of Response application.ftp.naming_option=abc&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire user define name for file naming of periodic FTP. The maximum size is 16 bytes. When
/api/param?application.ftp.naming_option is set to "type1", the file name is as ***YYYMMDDHHMMSSNNN.jpg,
and "***" can be gotten by this API.
File Name Example Camera_20060207201315001.jpg
When /api/param?application.ftp.naming_option is set to "type2", the file name is as ***.jpg and "***" can be
gotten by this API.
File Name Example Camera.jpg
Allowed users admin, operator
Setting User Define Name of File Naming
Format /api/param?application.ftp.naming_option=data
Example of Response application.ftp.naming_option&200 OK
Interpretation Change user define name for file naming of periodic FTP. The maximum size is 16 bytes. When
/api/param?application.ftp.naming_option is set to "type1", the file name is as ***YYYMMDDHHMMSSNNN.jpg,
and "***" can be set by this API.
File Name Example Camera_20060207201315001.jpg
When /api/param?application.ftp.naming_option is set to "type2", the file name is as ***.jpg and "***" can be set by
this API.
File Name Example Camera.jpg
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Parameters of Pre/Post Recording for FTP
To get Frame Rate /api/param?application.object(7).framerate
To get Pre Duration /api/param?application.object(7).prerec
To get Post Duration /api/param?application.object(7).postrec
To get Encoder No. /api/param?application.object(7).source
Example of Response
For Frame Rate application.object(7).framerate=10&200 OK