Setting MTU Value
Format /api/param?network.interface.mtu=data
Example /api/param?network.interface.mtu=1500
Example of Response
network.interface.mtu&202 Accepted(network.interface.status=restart)
Interpretation Change the MTU value. The range of set value is between 1280 to 1500. To validate the change,
use "network.interface.status=restart" API.
Allowed user admin
Getting Network Negotiation Setting
Format /api/param?network.interface.negotiation
Example of Response network.interface.negotiation=auto&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the network Negotiation setting. Either auto, 100full, 100half, 10full or 10half will be
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Network Negotiation
Format /api/param?network.interface.negotiation=data
Example /api/param?network.interface.negotiation=auto
Example of Response
network.interface.negotiation&202 Accepted(network.interface.status=restart)
Interpretation Change the network Negotiation setting. Specify auto, 100full, 100half, 10full or 10half. To
validate the change, use "network.interface.status=restart" API.
Allowed user admin
20. JVC API for Protocol
The APIs below are related to protocol. These are equivalent to the features on the Protocol page of the WEB
setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Protocol page.
Getting Port Number of HTTP
Format /api/param?network.http.port
Example of Response network.http.port=80&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire port number of HTTP server in the camera.
Allowed users admin, operator