
The following charts provide guidelines to the recording time for one channel that can be recorded onto a single DVD.
The charts are listed by export format.
The conditions for all of these are as follows:
Tie Date Recording: No
Audio: Yes (however, audio will not be recorded for 0.2ips or 0.08ips.)
The following charts have been created under the assumption that only one channel will be used. Additionally, the times listed do
not apply to multiple channels for which different frame rates and resolutions have been selected.
DVD Recording Time
Smooth High Accuracy
Smooth High Accuracy
Smooth High Accuracy
High Normal Basic Long High Normal Basic Long
30 ips
15 ips
10 ips
6 ips
3 ips
2 ips
1 ips
0.5 ips
0.2 ips
0.1 ips
Framerate High Normal Basic Long High Normal Basic Long
30 ips
15 ips
10 ips
6 ips
3 ips
2 ips
1 ips
0.5 ips
0.2 ips
0.1 ips
Framerate High Normal Basic Long High Normal Basic Long
30 ips
15 ips
10 ips
6 ips
3 ips
2 ips
1 ips
0.5 ips
0.2 ips
0.1 ips
Export Format: DVD-Video (Intermittent Interpolation)
Export Format: Self-Playing
Export Format: Self-Playing + DVD-Video (Intermittent Interpolation)