Using DVD
The following title menus and chapter menus are created for
DVDs that are formatted in the DVD-Video and DVD-Video
(intermittent interpolation) formats for exporting purposes.
* DVDs that are created in the DVD-Video and DVD-Video
(intermittent interpolation) cannot be played back on the VR-
They can be played back on DVD players that support the
DVD-R/RW format.
• The title menu is displayed when a disc is inserted in the
DVD player. The title menu can also be displayed with the
top menu key, etc., on the remote controller.
• A maximum of 99 titles is possible. Five titles will be
displayed on each page (maximum 20 pages.)
Turn the pages with the [Previous Page] and [Next Page]
keys on either side of the screen.
• The name of the title consists of the serial number, the
camera number, the starting time, the ending time and the
type of search recording.
The symbols for the type of search recording are shown
A: All recordings.
R: Alarm recordings taken with the alarm terminal.
M: Alarm recordings taken with motion detection.
E: Emergency recordings.
• When a title is selected, the playback will commence
continuously from the first chapter within the title.
When the final chapter has been played back, playback will
return to the first chapter and start again (loop playback for
one title.)
• The chapter menu cannot be displayed with the menu keys
on the remote controller when a title is being played back.
• The chapters are divided into recording types (although the
chapters will not be divided if there are internal links for
alarm files.)
• A maximum of 99 titles is possible within a single title. Five
chapters will be displayed on each page (maximum 20
Turn the pages with the [Previous Page] and [Next Page]
keys on either side of the screen.
• The name of the title consists of the serial number, the
starting time, the ending time and the recording type.
The symbols for the recording types are shown below.
N: Normal recordings.
E: Emergency recordings.
R: Alarm recordings taken with the alarm terminal.
M: Alarm recordings taken with motion detection.
C: Passcode error search recordings.
P: Pre-alarm recordings.
• When a chapter is selected, the playback will commence
continuously from that chapter.
• When the final chapter has been played back, playback will
return to the first chapter and start again (loop playback for
one title.)
• The channel number for the chapter (camera number) and
recording type, such as ALARM (alarm mark,) will not be
displayed during playback.
• If the [TIME/DATE] parameter on the DVD Export menu
was set at “ON” when the data was exported, the time that
the data was recorded onto the hard disk will be displayed.
• The audio sound will break up when switching between
chapters during playback.
DVD-Video Format Menus and Playback
Title Menus
02.CH02 2005/10/02 10:01 - 2005/10/02 10:59 F
01.CH01 2005/10/01 10:01 - 2005/10/01 10:59 F
03.CH03 2005/10/03 10:01 - 2005/10/03 10:59 F
04.CH04 2005/10/04 10:01 - 2005/10/04 10:59 F
05.CH05 2005/10/05 10:01 - 2005/10/05 10:59 F
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Chapter Menus
DVD-Video Playback
01. 2005/10/01 10:01:00 - 2005/10/01 10:05:59 N
02. 2005/10/01 10:06:00 - 2005/10/01 10:10:59 A
03. 2005/10/01 10:11:00 - 2005/10/01 10:15:59 N
04. 2005/10/01 10:16:00 - 2005/10/01 10:20:59 P
05. 2005/10/01 10:21:00 - 2005/10/01 10:25:59 N
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