6 Using the KODAK Negative Film Processing Cartridges FC1 and FC2 • CIS-254
HD-LD (Contrast):
This parameter monitors developer activity. Contrast is
the primary indicator of developer agitation, oxidation,
concentration, or contamination. If the developer tank
solution is under-agitated, too dilute, or oxidized, the
plots will be low. If the developer tank solution is over-
concentrated or contaminated, the plots will be high. If
the process is very out of control, i.e., by more than 0.15
density unit over or under aim, replace all of the
developer tank solution. If the developer is contaminated,
make sure you rinse the tank out thoroughly, and then
replace all of the developer tank solution. If the plots are
less than 0.15 density unit over or under aim, you can risk
a prescription.
• For high HD-LD plots:
Overconcentration: Dilute the developer with warm
water in an amount equal to 5 percent of the volume in
the developer tank. Repeat as necessary until the
process is in control.
• For low HD-LD plots:
Under concentrated (Diluted): Replace developer tank
with a tank mix of KODAK Negative Film FC Tank
Developer, use mixing instructions on page 2.
Under agitation: Call a service representative to fix the
agitation pump on the processor.
Oxidation: Check for air bubbles in the developer
tank, and call a service technician if bubbles are
visible. If oxidation is caused by low utilization, see
the corrective action in KODAK Publication No.
CIS-246, Operating Minilabs at Low Levels of
Utilization. This publication is available on the Kodak
website at www.kodak.com/go/photochemicals.
LD (speed):
This parameter monitors developer activity. Speed is the
primary indicator of problems with developer time,
temperature, and especially replenishment rate. For
development time that is too long, temperature that is too
high, or overreplenishment, the LD plots will be high. For
time that is too short, temperature that is too low, or
underreplenishment, the LD plots will be low. Check the
developer time and temperature, and adjust them to
specification. The developer time should be 3:05 ± 0:05;
the temperature should be 38 ± 0.2˚C.
If the plots are very out of control, i.e., by more than
0.12 density unit over or under aim, dump and replace all
of the developer tank solution. If the plots are less than
0.12 density over or under aim, you can risk a
• For high LD plots:
Overreplenishment: Replace a portion of the developer
tank solution (5.2 litres) with one KODAK Negative
Film FC Tank Developer Kit. Check the replenishment
rate setting. Check the output of the developer
replenisher pump and calibrate. Lower the developer
replenishment rate by 10 percent or more if necessary.
• For low LD plots:
Underreplenishment: Replace a portion of the developer
tank (5.2 litres) with one KODAK Negative Film FC
Tank Developer Kit. Check the replenishment rate
setting, and check the pump output of the developer
replenisher pump and calibrate. Increase the developer
replenishment rate by 10 percent or more if necessary.