Using the KODAK Negative Film Processing Cartridges FC1 and FC2 • CIS-254 7
D-min (Clear Area of Film):
This parameter may monitor developer, bleach, or fixer
problems. If a developer problem is indicated, see the
HD-LD or LD parameter for confirmation and corrective
action. If a bleach or fixer problem is indicated, see the
corrective action below:
Bleach (Stain):
Developer carryover into the bleach can form a staining
by-product that can elevate D-min, especially the green
D-min. This occurs when the bleach is underreplenished
or under-aerated.
• Replace the bleach tank solution with KODAK
Negative Film FC Tank Bleach. Refer to the directions
on page 3.
• Check the bleach aeration to make sure it is working
• Check the output of the bleach replenishment pump
and calibrate.
• Check the replenishment rate for bleach, and adjust to
the correct rate.
Fixer (Retained Silver Halide):
Retained silver halide is caused by an exhausted fixer
solution due to underreplenishment, dilution, or oxidation.
This is indicated by a high D-min, especially the red
D-min. To confirm retained silver halide, run this test:
1. Immerse the processed control strip in the fixer tank
and soak it for 7 minutes.
2. Remove the strip, rinse it thoroughly with water for
3 minutes, and dry it.
3. Re-read the strip and re-plot D-min. Compare the red
D-min to the earlier plot. If the new plot shows a
difference of at least 0.05 (lower), it confirms a fixer
problem. Replace both fixer tanks with KODAK
Negative Film FC Tank Fixer. Use directions on
page 3. Also, check the output of the fixer replenisher
pump and calibrate. Set the fixer replenishment rate to
the correct value.
If there is no change or less than a 0.05 change, the
fixer is not a problem. See the “Visual Process Control
Guide” for other possible causes.
In most regions, it should be possible to participate in a
local community recycling program. Check with program
authorities to determine if these packaging materials are
eligible for local recycling. If they are accepted,
disassemble the package and place the bottles and
corrugated material in your recycling bin. Follow all
material preparation instructions from the recycler. See
KODAK Publication No. CIS-148, Recycling KODAK
Photochemical Containers, for more information on
preparing the empty bottles for recycling. CIS-148 and
other publications on waste management are available on
the Kodak website at www.kodak.com/go/KES. If local
recycling is not an option, dispose of the empty bottles
and the package with your normal solid waste.
Publications on silver management that include
recommendations and descriptions of silver-recovery
options are available in the Silver Management section of
the Kodak Environmental Services Publications Center at