A-61555 March 2007 1-1
1 Introduction
This User’s Guide provides information and procedures for the Kodak
i1800 Series Scanners.
Chapter 1, Introduction — provides general information about the
i1800 Series Scanners including a product description, scanner
features, safety information, user precautions and how to contact
Service and Support.
Chapter 2, Getting Started — includes an overview of internal and
external scanner components.
Chapter 3, Using the Scanner — includes information on how to
prepare your documents for scanning, input elevator, output tray and
workspace table adjustments, scanning your documents and using the
touchscreen operator control panel.
Chapter 4, Using the Enhanced Printer and Patch Readers —
provides procedures for using and maintaining the Enhanced Printer
and the Patch Readers.
NOTE: Patch Reader functionality is for the Kodak i1860 Scanner only.
Chapter 5, Maintenance — provides maintenance procedures for the
i1800 Series Scanners, including cleaning and replacement procedures
for the feed module, separation roller, pre-separation pad and imaging
Chapter 6, Troubleshooting — provides information about accessing
the operator log, a problem solving chart, procedures for clearing a
document jam and a listing of error messages.
Appendix A, Accessories — provides a description of the optional
accessories that can be purchased to support the Kodak i1800 Series
Scanners. Instructions for using these accessories are included with
the accessory.
Appendix B, Specifications — provides a listing of the specifications
for the Kodak i1800 Series Scanners.