A-61555 March 2007 4-13
Toggle Patch
When image addressing is disabled, the Patch Readers are also
disabled. However a Toggle patch can still be detected.
Patch Types 2, 3 and T — these patch types are used for image
The Patch Readers control document level changes by automatically
sensing a predefined patch code and changing the document level
IMPORTANT: Do not use these illustrated patches for production —
they are not to spec.
The Transfer Patch Definition is also defined by the application. The
Transfer Patch Definition controls the level assigned to the next
document when a Transfer Patch is used. For example, if the Transfer
Patch Definition for the current operation is defined as Level 3 and a
Transfer Patch is used, the next document will be assigned Level 3.
Patch code placement See Kodak publication A-61599, Patch Code Information, for complete
information about patch placement and specifications.
Patches can be tested using the Patch Test on the touchscreen. See
Chapter 3, “Performing a Patch test” for more information.
Image addressing - disabled
Image addressing - enabled
Patch 2 — assigns a Level 2 to the
current document
Patch 3 — assigns a Level 3 to the
current document
Patch 5/T/Transfer Patch —
assigns a predetermined level to the
next document