Sequencer P1
1–6: Mix Audio Track 1–4
Here you can make basic settings for recording audio tracks, and make mixer
event settings for each track. Mixer events are recorded according to the record-
ing method selected in “1–7: Preference,” so you will need to set those parame-
ters as well. Editing of mixer events can be performed in “5–3: Audio Track
For details on the basic settings for recording an audio track, refer to “1–5:
Audio Track Rec.”
1–6f: EQ (Equalizer)
This adjusts the tone of the audio signal that is output from the 1/L/MONO
and 2/R output jacks (and the S/P DIF output).
Depending on the selection in “1–6j: Mix Audio Track Mode,” it may not be pos-
sible to modify this parameter. Refer also to “1–6j: Mix Audio Track Mode.”
H (High EQ) [–15...0...+15]
Adjusts the level of the high frequency range (Fc= 10 kHz) of the audio track
L (Low EQ) [–15...0...+15]
Adjusts the level of the low frequency range (Fc= 100 Hz) of the audio track
1–6g: Send1/Send2 [0...127]
Adjusts the send levels to the master effects (left is Send 1, right is Send 2).
Depending on the selection in “1–6j: Mix Audio Track Mode,” it may not be pos-
sible to modify this parameter. Refer also to “1–6j: Mix Audio Track Mode.”
1–6h: Pan (Panpot) [OFF, L000...C064...R127]
Specifies the panning to the 1/L/MONO and 2/R output jacks (and the S/P DIF
With a setting of
, there will be no output to the 1/L/MONO and 2/R out-
put jacks (or the S/P DIF output).
Depending on the selection in “1–6j: Mix Audio Track Mode,” it may not be pos-
sible to modify this parameter. Refer also to “1–6j: Mix Audio Track Mode.”
Page Menu
Information for the
selected audio track