Disk P1
1–3: Utility
Here you can perform various operations on the selected file or disk drive. Use
Drive Select or the directory window to select a disk drive or file, and then
choose a command from the page menu.
Page Menu Command
1–3B: Rename
Modifies the name of the selected file or directory. However it is not possible to
modify the name of a .SNG file containing a song that includes an audio track.
(Refer to the top of page 46 for the icon.) Also, the Rename command is avail-
able only when a DOS file or DOS directory is selected.
1–3C: Copy
Copies the selected file.
If the drive selected by Drive Select is removable media (such as a floppy
disk or a removable hard disk, etc.), it will not be possible to copy between
different media on the same drive.
1 In the tab 3 page, select the file you
wish to copy.
2 When you choose Copy, the dialog
box at right will appear.
3 Use Drive Select to select the copy
destination disk, and use the Open
or Up buttons to select the copy
destination directory.
4 If you wish to change the filename,
use the text edit box to change the
5 To execute the copy command, press the Copy button. To cancel without
copying, press the Cancel button.
Page Menu