5. Tighten drive roller until star washer bites into aluminum frame, start treadmill, and adjust
tracking. If belt is straight then put on motor cover. If belt is still not straight, go to #6.
6. If there is improvement and there is still room to move drive roller adjustment bolt, continue to
adjust until fixed.
7. If there is no more adjustment on right side adjustment bolt, go to left side adjustment bolt ( make
sure to loosen the drive belt via the drive belt tension adjustment bolt and re-tension when done).
Landice has adjustment on the front roller to correct for this type of problem. The front roller will not
be damaged by the adjustment providing these steps are followed. If this doesn’t correct problem
please call 1-800- Landice.
Symptom: Treadmill speed is erratic and/or surges.
Possible Cause: Defective drive motor
See Component Testing -drive motor:
Possible Cause: Loose drive belt or treadbelt.
Check for proper drive belt and treadbelt tension. If one of these belts are not tight enough, they will
slip and create a treadbelt skip or surge. This will usually be more apparent with heavier users. (See
belt-tensioning procedures)
Possible Cause: High drive motor current due to excessive treadbelt friction.
Check for treadbelt and tread deck for wear. Check that Red Lamp marked Current is not on.
Possible Cause: Worn or defective motor brushes and /or commutator.
Check Motor brushes move freely in holder. Brushes should be at least ¼ inch long, approximately
the same length, and free of cracks, splits, and fraying.
Possible Cause: Line voltage surging.
Use voltmeter, monitor line voltage supply. Make sure customer has the treadmill plugged into a
circuit that meets our electrical requirements.
(Home & LTD Treadmills = 120V / 20 amp dedicated circuit)
(Club Treadmills = 220V / 15 amp dedicated circuit)
NO extension cord should exceed 6 feet in length and must be 12Awg, same as linecord.
NO surge suppressors or GFI outlets.
Possible Cause: (PWM boards ONLY Home Mills) IR potentiometer out of adjustment.
Adjust the IR “pot” on the lower motor control board until the surge subsides.