
"8700 Sprint 3" Treadmill Display Board - New Design
The 8700 Sprint 3 will consist of a new display board mounted in the upright. It will
communicate to the high power relays and KBWT motor control board located at the
bottom of the treadmill via 12-conductor, 22-gage cable.
Motor Control:
A DC motor mounted in the lower motor pan shall be controlled by an "off the shelf" motor
controller manufactured by KB electronics - specifically KBWT-110. A daughter board
consisting of an optical-isolator shall be mounted on top of the KB motor control board to
isolate the floating speed input signal from the upper display board. A digital current loop
pulse train from the upper board shall be used to control the speed input of the motor
120VAC power shall be provided to the KB motor control board via 6VDC relay mounted
to the lower motor pan. The display board shall provide 6VDC power for this coil and
control the coil via signal called "BELT RELAY" which can be directed to ground in the
upper display board.
Speed Sensor.
The display board shall control speed either in a closed loop or open loop mode
depending on the
software installed. In the closed loop mode a GT101 speed hall effect speed sensor by
Honeywell shall provide 12,800 pulses/minute at a speed of 1.0 mph. In the open loop
mode the speed sensor shall act as a safety watchdog to detect runaways. In the event
of the runaway, power to the motor control relay shall be removed. Speed range is 0.1 to
12.0 mph. The Display board shall be responsible for provide +5VDC to this sensor as
well as reading "SPEED SENSE"
Electric elevation
(2) JA1A-DC6V relays shall be mounted to the lower pan of the treadmill to provide power
for the 120VAC UP and DOWN inputs of an AC elevation motor. The display board
provide 6VDC power for this coil and control the coil by the signals "UP RELAY" or
"DOWN RELAY" which can be directed to ground in the upper display board.
Elevation Grade Sense
A elevation grade pot wiper shall be used to indicate the percent elevation to the upper
display board. The upper board shall provide power to drive this grade pot and shall read
the analog voltage "GRADE SENSE"