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Leica Biosystems Leica HER2 FISH System - 30 Test Instructions for Use TA9217 EN-CE-Rev_D 08/04/2013
K. Between Observer Precision Study
The between observer precision study was performed in a randomized and blinded fashion.
Between observer reproducibility testing of the Leica HER2 FISH System - 30 Test was
evaluated between three investigational sites. A single experienced observer at each
investigational site was used. Eighteen whole section breast cancer cases were used for
between observer precision, reecting samples types used in the clinical setting.
On enumeration of the slides stained in the Between Observer Precision Study, 53/54 cases
evaluated demonstrated a concordant result giving an overall concordance of 98.15% with
a lower 95% CI of 90.11%.
L. Lot-to-Lot Precision Study
The lot-to-lot precision study was performed in a randomized and blinded fashion. Lot-to-Lot
precision was determined on three independently manufactured lots of Leica HER2 FISH
System - 30 Test, manufactured under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Each lot was
tested at a single investigational site on 540 previously HER2 characterized TMA samples
containing formalin-xed parafn-embedded breast cancer cases. The use of TMAs for the
determination of lot-to-lot reproducibility enables a larger volume of cases covering a wider
range of HER2 expression to be tested between lots.
On enumeration of the slides stained in the Lot-to-Lot Precision Study, 540/540 cases
evaluated demonstrated a concordant result giving an overall concordance of 100% with a
lower 95% CI of 99.45%.
Assay Robustness
Robustness studies were performed on the Leica BOND-MAX and BOND-III System to determine
the assay tolerance range for heat retrieval time and temperature; enzyme retrieval
time, temperature and concentration; denaturation time and temperature; hybridization time and
temperature; and stringency wash time and temperature. Robustness studies using the default
Leica BOND-MAX and BOND-III System protocol were also performed outside the
recommended limits as dened in the FDA/ORA guidance document ORA LAB5.3 Rev1.7 for
temperature and humidity.
No difference in amplication status was observed when the default temperature for each
heat dependent step was raised by 4 °C or decreased by 4 °C, when compared to the default
Leica HER2 FISH System - 30 Test protocol. Highest quality ratings were observed at the default
temperatures and these temperatures are recommended.
No difference in amplication status was observed when the heat induced epitope retrieval
(HIER) time was performed for 20 minutes and 30 minutes at 97 °C with Leica BOND ER1
solution, when compared to the default Leica HER2 FISH System - 30 Test protocol. Highest
quality ratings were observed at the default time of 25 minutes and this incubation time is
No difference in amplication status was observed when the enzyme induced epitope retrieval
(EIER) time was performed for 15 minutes and 35 minutes at 37 °C, when compared to the
default Leica HER2 FISH System - 30 Test protocol. Highest quality ratings were observed at
the default time of 25 minutes and this incubation time is recommended.
No difference in amplication status was observed when the enzyme induced epitope retrieval
(EIER) enzyme concentration was performed with enzyme concentrate/enzyme diluent
ratios of 1:200 and 1:500 using the default Leica HER2 FISH System - 30 Test protocol.
Highest quality ratings were observed at the default concentration of 1:300 and this dilution
is recommended.
No difference in amplication status was observed when the denaturation time was performed
for 5 minutes and 15 minutes, when compared to the default Leica HER2 FISH System - 30
Test protocol. Highest quality ratings were observed at the default time of 10 minutes and this