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Leica Biosystems Leica HER2 FISH System - 30 Test Instructions for Use TA9217 EN-CE-Rev_D 08/04/2013
Tissue sections mounted on charged slides (Leica BOND Plus Slides S21.2113) can be held for
up to 12 months at 2–8 °C before staining. Following sectioning, it is recommended that slides
are incubated at 60 °C for one hour. Stained sections should be stored at -20 °C to preserve
uorescent signal and prevent fading. Allow stored slides to reach room temperature prior to
Warnings and Precautions
For professional users only.
One or more components in the product are hazardous and may cause harm to the unborn
As a rule, persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to work with this product. Users must
be carefully instructed in the proper work procedure, the hazardous properties of the product
and the necessary safety instructions.
Specimens, before and after xation, and all materials exposed to them, should be handled as
if capable of transmitting infection and disposed of with proper precautions.
Never pipette reagents by mouth and avoid contacting the skin and mucous membranes with
reagents and specimens. If reagents or specimens come into contact with sensitive areas, wash
with copious amounts of water. Seek medical advice. Consult federal, state or local regulations
for disposal of any potentially toxic components.
Minimize microbial contamination of reagents or an increase in nonspecic staining may occur.
A. Reagents required but not supplied
• Leica BOND Dewax Solution (AR9222)
• Leica BOND Epitope Retrieval Solution 1 (AR9961)
• Leica BOND Wash Solution x10 Concentrate (AR9590)
• Standard solvents used in uorescence in situ hybridization based assays (eg ethanol,
absolute and graded)
• Distilled or de-ionized water
• DAPI Counterstain
• Leica HER2 FISH Control Slides (TA9123)
• Leica BOND Aspirating Probe Cleaning System (CS9100)
B. Equipment required but not supplied
• Pipettes (capable of measuring 1-20 µL and 100 – 1000 µL volumes)
• Charged slides (Leica BOND Plus Slides – S21.2113)
• Leica BOND-MAX (21.0051) or Leica BOND-III (21.2201)
• Leica BOND Universal Covertiles
• Leica BOND Mixing Stations (S21.1971)
• Leica BOND Slide Label & Print Ribbon (S21.4564)
• Coverslips
• Drying oven (capable of maintaining 60 °C)
• Fluorescence Microscope (60–100x objective) with appropriate light source. Record the
number of hours that the bulb has been used and replace the bulb before it exceeds the
rated time. Ensure that the lamp is properly aligned.
• Appropriate Fluorescence Filter Set (SpectrumOrange
– Excitation Peak at 559nm,
Emission Peak at 588nm, SpectrumGreen
– Excitation Peak at 497nm, Emission
Peak at 524nm and DAPI – Excitation Peak at 367nm, Emission Peak at 452nm). Multi-