Backup and Restore Overview
Your ix2 Network Storage provides many ways to back up and restore content.
To back up content to and restore content from your ix2, you can use:
● Time Machine
● Copy Jobs
To back up and restore your ix2, you can use the following features and applications:
● Copy Jobs
● Avamar
● Amazon S3
● LenovoEMC Personal Cloud features
Backup of Data through RAID Protection
The drives in your ix2 are protected using a built-in, pre-configured technology that redundantly stores data
across the drives. This technology, known as RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), enables a
series of drives to act together as a single storage system. RAID configurations that provide data
redundancy preserve data integrity on the system if a drive fails and is replaced.
While RAID technology provides fault tolerance, it is not a true backup. It is strongly
recommended to always have another copy of your data that is not stored on the ix2.
For more information, refer to Understanding How Your Content Is Stored.
Backing up and Restoring Your Content
46 Backup and Restore Overview