Using Active Directory Domain to Manage Users and
Active Directory Users and Groups Overview
On the Users and Groups page, administrator users can import users and groups from an Active Directory
(AD) server and grant them access rights to Shares on the ix2 Network Storage. In addition, you can also
have both local and AD users on your ix2. See Managing Your ix2 Network Storage with Local and Active
Directory Users on page 65for more information. For more information on enabling AD on the ix2, refer to
Configuring Your ix2 Network Storage to Use Active Directory on page 9. For information on creating an
administrator user, refer to Enabling Security and Creating an Administrator User on page 56.
Managing Users and Groups with Active Directory
The page describes how to:
● Import Users and Groups from Active Directory
● Synchronize with the Active Directory Controller
● Change Access Permissions
● Set Quotas
Importing Users and Groups from Active Directory
Click Import Users and Groups from Active Directory.
2. The pop-up window for Import Users and Groups from Active Directory is searchable, and you
can sort by name, descriptive name, or type. You can filter the list of users and groups by selecting
a specific user or group from the domain tree.
3. Select the checkbox next to a user or group to import that user or group to your ix2 Network Storage
from your Active Directory domain. Select the checkbox in the title bar to select all the users and
groups in your Active Directory domain.
4. Click Apply to save your changes.
Synchronizing with the Active Directory Controller
You can poll the Active Directory controller at any time to check for new users and groups on the controller,
so you can add them to your ix2. This keeps your ix2 up to date with any group changes on the controller
and indicates if any users on the controller were deleted or promoted.
● Click Synchronize with the Active Directory Controller.
Changing Access Permissions
Expand Access Permissions to change user or group permissions to a secured Share. When the ix2 is in
AD mode, AD and local users can have access to a secured Share. See "Managing Your ix2 Network
Storage with Local and Active Directory Users " on page 65.
Securing Your ix2 Network Storage and Contents
63 Using Active Directory Domain to Manage Users and Groups