Naming Your px6-300d Network Storage
You can provide a meaningful name for your px6-300d using the Device Identification page. This page in
the px6-300d Management Console enables you to change the Storage Device Name, the Storage Device
Descriptive Name, and the Workgroup Name.
Change any of these by editing the text fields. Click Apply to save your changes.
● Device Name: Enter a name for the px6-300d device. Use a name that will help you identify it on
your network.
● Device Descriptive Name: Enter a descriptive name for the px6-300d device. This name can
provide additional detail that identifies the device. If you leave this field blank, the default device
name is used.
● Workgroup Name: Enter a workgroup name for the px6-300d device if you need to change the
default name. The workgroup name identifies a group of computers that share information with
each other. Change the workgroup name only if you explicitly define a workgroup on your network.
Most users won't need to change the workgroup name, unless they have explicitly defined a
different workgroup on their other computers.
Renaming the px6-300d will require a device restart.
Setting up Active Directory
If your px6-300d supports Active Directory, you configure AD on the Device Identification page. Refer to
Configuring Your px6-300d for Active Directory.
SettingupYour px6-300dNetworkStorage
10 Naming Your px6-300d Network Storage