2. Enter a unique username and password to define the community.
3. Confirm your password.
4. Enter the IP address of the host in the Trap Receivers text box. To grant access to multiple
receivers, list all of them in the text box, separating each entry with a space.
5. Click Apply to save your settings.
To change any SNMP settings, click .
SNMP Traps
A px6-300d can provide various traps to a manager. These traps provide information on the current state of
the px6-300d.
Traps include:
● A drive may have either failed or been removed
● Multiple drives may have either failed or been removed
● The device encountered a file system corruption
SNMP MIB File for the px6-300d
The management information base (MIB) file is a database of various device object types, which a
manager can change. Examples of MIB objects are:
deviceName — the name of the LenovoEMC storage device
diskName — the name of drives on the LenovoEMC storage device
conTable — a table for the connected client count
raidStatus — a description of the RAID status. Values are Normal, Rebuilding, Degraded, RebuildFS,
and Faulted.
The MIB file is available for downloading by entering the following URL in your browser:
Managing File Sharing with Web Access (http/https)
The Web Access protocol enables or disables the link to the Content Viewer from the Shares page. When
the Content Viewer is disabled, you cannot browse any Share content.
If you disable the Web Access protocol, you also disable the display of the home page on your px6-300d.
Refer to Sharing Your Content with the World for additional information on displaying the home page for
your px6-300d.
WebDAV: Managing Files Using HTTP or HTTPS
WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a protocol that provides web-based access
to Shares on the px6-300d. With WebDAV enabled on the px6-300d, you can view, add, or delete files
through your WebDAV client using either HTTP for unencrypted access or HTTPS for encrypted access.
HTTP offers faster performance, but is not secured. Access Shares using a URL such as
http://devicename/WebDAV/Foldername. Refer to your operating system's documentation to learn how to
access files through WebDAV.
31 Using Protocols to Share Files