249IDB Basics: The IDB Languages
In addition, the TN5250E users have a second language available.
This is the User IDB Language, which is somewhat easier to use.
However, the User IDB Language is only available for working on
approximately 20 of the most common IDB options. Working with
the other options requires the use of the Advanced IDB Language.
The IDB languages are to be used during initial setup or re-config-
uration of the SCS/TNe settings.
The IDB languages should not be used to control settings on a job
by job basis.
An IDB language is used directly from the AS/400, iSeries or Main-
frame host by printing IDB command line sequences on the printer.
This is typically done by embedding the unique IDB commands in a
normal text document which is printed like any normal job.
Alternatively, you can retrieve the SCS options as an IDB Configura-
tion File via FTP, edit the file with a utility program and upload it.
Several sections in this chapter discuss the management of such a
configuration file (see “IDB Configuration File Management” on
page 254 ff.)