
213Operations - TN5250E SETUP: SCS OPTIONS > MISC SETTINGS > Codepage (IDB Options 240 and
User IDB command:
DEFCODPAG <parameter>:
OCR 340 84 + 1 340
Multi 500 * 244 + 1 500
Iceland 871 103 + 3 871
Code pages with Euro support below this line
Turkey 1023 255 + 3 1023
USA/Can 1140 116 + 4 1140
Ger/Aus 1141 117 + 4 1141
Den/Nor 1142 118 + 4 1142
Fin/Swe 1143 119 + 4 1143
Italy 1144 120 + 4 1144
Spain 1145 121 + 4 1145
Eng (UK) 1146 122 + 4 1146
France 1147 123 + 4 1147
Multi. 1148 124 + 4 1148
Iceland 1149 125 + 4 1149
Option Value IDB Values (Option 240 and 241) User IDB parameter