49Mainframe Installation Setup: Task 5 - Configuring the SCS/TNe Emulation
3 Set Print Active to Yes. Select Menus > Option Card Menu
SETUP > Print Active. Scroll to Yes and touch Submit to
4 Exit the menu by touching Home.
LU Name [undefined] Your LU name
(up to 10 characters)
Check with your system administrator for the correct name.
This name must be defined on the host or SNA Server.
Please note! Some hosts and servers only recognize upper-
case LU Names.
Device Type Specific Specific Check with your system administrator for the correct setting.
The device type must be defined on the host.
Keep Alive Type Telnet NOP Telnet NOP
or None
Set this to a signal type recognized by the host. Check with
your system administrator.
If the host sends signals to keep the session active, then the
setting of this option is unimportant. It is recommended to set it
to None (= disabled).
Keep Alive Time 45 seconds 45 seconds
(1-3200 seconds)
Set this to a value smaller than the session’s inactivity timeout
value defined on the host. The host parameter name is
KEEPALIVE OPTIONS. It resides in the host IP profile dataset:
This setting is not used if the Keep Alive Type is set to None.
Default Value Recommended Value Comments