Now save your recording. Press the • SAVE button, navigate to Save Recording To
Internal and press the R Arrow. Rename your recording Beat+Gtr and confirm.
Press the • RECORD SELECT button to select Mic/Aux. Plug a bass guitar into the
Spider Jam Aux In jack. Press the LEVEL button twice then navigate to the Aux
tab. Play your bass and set a strong input level by turning the wheel and watching
the level bar in the display. Press PLAY and jam along with your track.
When you’re happy with your bass part, play along as the track rolls, pause in the •
4th bar then press REC. Overdub your 4 bar bass part when the loop begins on the
downbeat. If you’re not happy with your take, press UNDO and repeat the process.
When you have a good take, save your recording as Beat+Bas (like you did before).
Now it’s time for a Mixdown. Press the • LEVEL button then press PLAY to hear your
recording. Mute the Guitar track by turning the wheel to Off. Reduce the Drum
track to 90% or whatever level works with your Bass track at 100%. Press the SAVE
button and navigate to Save Rec Mix As WAV To Card. Press R Arrow and keep
the name Beat+Bas. Press the Down Arrow to complete the save to your SD card.
You now have a • Beat+Bas WAV loop on your SD card. Press the SAVE button,
navigate to Import WAV File From Card and press R Arrow. Select WAV:Beat+Bas
and press R Arrow to import the file. Press the SONG button; you’ll see the track is
loaded, ready for overdubbing. Press RECORD SELECT and select Guitar.
Go back to playing guitar now and overdub the same rhythm guitar part you played •
earlier. When done, save your recording as Gtr2. Reload your WAV:Beat+Bas track
and overdub a melody guitar line for 4 bars and save it. Overdub a harmony part.
Now do a series of Mixdowns, isolating each track you just recorded by muting the •
others. When you’re done, you should have a Bass & Drums loop, 2 rhythm guitar
parts, a melody guitar line plus a harmony guitar line, all saved as WAV files.
Copy these tracks to your DAW and you’ll have a multi-track session to work on, with
each track playing back in perfect sync. Pan the guitars L & R to create a stereo mix.