Appendix : FAQ
ap p e n d i x : FaQ
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Spider Jam features and
functionality that you might find useful:
Available Recording Time
Q: Whenever I load a track into Spider Jam’s memory for overdubbing, I notice my
available recording time is reduced by double the duration of that track; why is that?
A: In order for Spider Jam to perform an Undo function, it must buffer the currently
loaded track in memory. This results in allocating additional memory equal to the size of
each currenly loaded track, which reduces your available recording time accordingly.
Duplicate WAV Files
Q: When I copy a WAV file from my Mac to SD card, then copy that to my Win PC, I
see a duplicate file that doesn’t play back. What’s happening here?
A: When you copy a WAV file on a Mac, the OS creates a hidden file for its own use.
Spider Jam will ignore this hidden file, and you should ignore it on your PC as well.
Time Stamp
Q: When I’m working on my computer and I do a ‘get info’ on one of my recordings or
WAV files, the date is displayed as unknown. Why isn’t a creation date displayed?
A: Spider Jam has no date stamping feature, so it doesn’t create a date for your files.
Pitch Shift
Q: I recorded a blues lead guitar jam to one of the Spider Jam Songs, changing the key
by raising the Pitch Shift by 2 semitones, 4 times. When I mixed it down, my guitar
was in the same key the entire time. Why didn’t the guitar change key?
A: Only 1 instance of Pitch Shift can be applied per active session. When you mixed
your guitar as a WAV file, the Pitch Shift was being applied to the Song, changing
pitch the way you originally set it, so it couldn’t process your guitar at the same time.
Next time, mix the Song as a WAV first, then overdub your guitar to the WAV mix.