1. Once you are in the mode to adjust value, you don't need to exit the value mode. If you switch tools, your
NuLOOQ device will automatically make the right option values available to you. If you change focus to
another application, the dialog box will disappear and then reappear when you come back to Photoshop.
Save time and always keep this mode open.
2. Brush size adjustment is the most used option value to control. Place the cursor on the point of interest
and size the brush directly on that point. Start drawing. And between paint strokes, continue changing the
brush size using tooltuner dial. This is a very quick way to adjust brush size as you do touch-up work on
your image or picture.
Things to Avoid
1. Using too much force on the tooltuner. Only a light touch is required as you glide around the tooltuner. If
too much force is used while gliding your finger, you may accidentally click on the integrated
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