Type Special Key System commands, such as Mute, volume up, browser forward, back, etc. can be mapped.
Mouse Wheel Up Send mouse wheel up commands when NuLOOQ navigator control surface is moved.
Mouse Wheel Down Send mouse wheel down commands when NuLOOQ navigator control surface is moved.
Open Special Item Open the most popular applications, such as mail client, browser, etc.
Open Item Point to .exe to open that application.
iTunes Command Pre-defined commands to play, pause, change tracks within iTunes. Note, if this is selected, executing the control movement on
NuLOOQ navigator may open iTunes, if not open.
For a few assignments, such as type keystroke, mouse wheel up/down, a mode menu will appear. The mode menu is used to set the rate at which that keystroke or
mouse wheel is sent. The higher the number, the faster that assignment is sent, till the system limit is reached or the rate limit.