Opening Warning Dialog and Language Menus
The unit will display an Alarm dialog when
powered up. Press
X to close the dialog box.
The Language – Text menu will appear.
Select the text language the unit will dis-
play and press
NEXT. The Language – Voice
menu will appear. Select the spoken lan-
guage for turn-by-turn voice instructions.
The unit will speak a short test message.
BACK to reselect the text language or
DONE to continue to the map screen.
On-Screen Commands
When the map screen is touched, the cursor and Map Screen Toolbar
will appear. Use the cursor and Map Screen Toolbar to move around
the map screen. When the unit is navigating the cursor and Map
Screen Toolbar are hidden.
Map Screen Toolbar
Overlay Data Hide
Map Orientation
Auto Zoom button
Speak button
Main Menu button
Information button