Navigation Modes
Point-to-point navigation creates a straight-line navigation
course between you and another point on the map screen. To
switch to point-to-point mode, press the
MAIN MENU button and
OPTIONS. From the Options menu select the NAVIGATION MODE button
to display the Navigation Mode screen.
Turn-by-turn is selected as the default set-
ting. When Point-to-Point is selected, a dia-
log appears asking if you want to change
modes. Choose
YES and close the Naviga-
tion Mode screen. Settings in the Map
Data pull-down menu do not need to be
changed unless a Navionics card is used.
When a Navionics card is inserted, the Map Data pull-down menu be-
comes active. Scroll down and select Navionics, now close the Naviga-
tion Mode screen. To switch back to turn-by-turn, go to the Navigation
Mode screen and select
In point-to-point mode the unit will display the shortest, most
direct path. The unit provides navigation data to waypoints
regardless of obstructions.