Section 4:
Map Mode Operation
This section addresses the unit's Mapping Mode operation. Mapping
Mode includes all navigation features, from finding the nearest restau-
rant to plotting a road trip across the country. If you would prefer to
start out using the built-in music player, make sure to read Sec. 3, Mu-
sic Mode Operation.
Before you turn on the unit and find where you are, it's a good idea to
learn about the different keys, the two Page screens and how they work
together. BUT, if you just can't wait to get navigating, turn to the one-
page Map Mode Practice Run on page 32.
iFINDER Map & Music keypad.
Many of the keys have two functions: one for Music Mode, one for Map
Mode. The Map Mode names always come first. Throughout this sec-
tion, we'll refer to the keys by their Map Mode names, but in the fol-
lowing list you can the full names for each of the keys.
1. MAP/MUSIC – Press this key to toggle between the two page
screens. Each page represents one of the unit's major operation modes.
See Sec. 3 for full details on the Music Mode.
2. MENU – Press this key to show the menus, which allow you to select
or adjust a feature from a list, or switch to the Navigation Page.