Typographic Conventions
Issue 5 June 1999
Typographic Conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this book to convey information
consistently and quickly.
This typeface
is used for references to titles of other information and for
emphasis within other typefaces.
■ This typeface emphasizes key words to help clarify meaning in a sentence
or to call attention to a distinction.
■ The following note icon identifies additional information pertinent to the text
preceding it.
This book is organized as follows:
■ Chapter 1, “UTAM Disablement,” discusses the general requirements
and caveats for installing and moving the DWBS.
■ Chapter 2, “Switch Administration,” deals with the administration of the
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server and the Mobility Manager
for system operation.
■ Chapter 3, “Hardware Installation,” provides the technician with
background and procedural information to install the hardware.
■ Chapter 4, “DWBS Testing,” provides the installer with background and
procedural information to ensure that the system is operational.
■ Chapter 5, “Commands,” provides a list of DEFINITY ECS Release 6 and
Mobility Manager commands associated with the installation of the system.
■ Appendix A, “DWBS Installation Checklist,” provides a checklist for
performing a DWBS installation. Page references to the appropriate
background information are provided.
A glossary and an index are also included.