DWBS Testing
4-4 Issue 5 June 1999
Enter the list configuration wt command to obtain the firmware version for
all the pocket phones in the system. Refer to the value in the column headed
to obtain the appropriate firmware version. For the 9601 WT, the
firmware version is 7.0.0 or later; for the 9630 Series WT, the firmware
version is 7.0.0 or earlier. The corresponding value in the column
headed by
may or may not be correct.
Initial Operations
Complete the following initial operations.
1. Ensure that the firmware file is transferred from the INADS center to the
DEFINITY MSS or to the appropriate RCs. For the DWBS firmware
package download, contact the INADS center at 1-800 248-1111.
2. Determine if the Radio Controller has the current version of the WT
firmware and if it is enabled as a download server by entering the status
wt-upgrade command.
3. Compare the firmware version on either the MSS, which is obtained via the
list configuration firmware-versions command, with the output of the
status wt-upgrade command. The list configuration firmware-versions
command brings up the Firmware Versions form. Two examples of the form